'java.lang.StackOverflowError' exception. Cannot evaluate org.elasticsearch.common.inject.InjectorImpl.toString()

The following content is the source codes of the client side.

private Client createClient(String hosts, String cluster) {
logger.info("the elasticsearch host: " + hosts + ", cluster is " + cluster);

    Client client = null;
    try {
        TransportClient build = null;
        if(null != cluster && !cluster.trim().isEmpty()) {
            Settings settings = Settings.settingsBuilder()
                    .put("client.transport.sniff", false)
                    .put("cluster.name", cluster).build();
            build = TransportClient.builder().settings(settings).build();
            logger.info("initialized the cluster elasticsearch client settings!");
        } else {
            build = TransportClient.builder().build();

        String[] hostArr = hosts.split(",");

        for(String item : hostArr) {
            String[] hps = item.split(":");

            String host = "";
            Integer port = 9300;

            if(hps.length > 0) {
                host = hps[0];

            if(hps.length > 1) {
                port = Integer.parseInt(hps[1]);

            logger.info("the elasticsearch host is " + host + ", port is " + port);

            InetAddress address = null;

            String ipExp = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}";
            Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(ipExp);
            Matcher matcher = pat.matcher(host);

            if (matcher.matches()) {
                String[] segs = host.split("\\.");
                byte[] bs = new byte[]{Short.valueOf(segs[0]).byteValue(),
                address = InetAddress.getByAddress(bs);
            } else {
                address = InetAddress.getByName(host);

            build.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(address, port));

        client = build;
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        logger.error("failed to initialize the elasticsearch client with the unknown host!", e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("failed to initialize the elasticsearch client!", e);

    return client;