JDBC streaming array as parameter

Hello everyone,
We are trying to execute a jdbc_streaming query that takes as parameter a array of values.
Our statement looks like this:

statement => "SELECT `table_name`,`column_name`,`classification` FROM `tableEx` WHERE `table_name` IN (:result_tables) 

result_tables is a array of strings with table names.
We already tried many diferent approaches like, passing the parameter as a string table names joined by ",", we also tried passing the parameter as a string with the table names between (') and joined by ",". And we even tried to prepare the whole query in ruby and then just use the query from the field, and it also did not work.
Any tips on how to solve this?

Our code now:

statement => "SELECT `table_name`,`column_name`,`classification` FROM `tableEx` WHERE `table_name` IN (:result_tables) 
parameters => {
  result_tables => result_tables

PS: We tried with with a fixed query and it worked fine, so the query/values are not the problem.

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