JDBC_Streaming plugin issue


I am trying below sample logstash config, Output also pasted below. data related to table C not coming inside B, Can you suggest if anything wrong with config ?


`input {
jdbc {
statement => "SELECT a.A_ID as A_ID,A.A_COLUMN1 FROM a;"




 jdbc_streaming {
		statement => "SELECT B.B_ID as B_ID,B.B_COLUMN1 FROM B WHERE B.A_ID=1;"
		target => "B"

 jdbc_streaming {
		statement => "SELECT c.C_ID as C_ID,c.C_COLUMN1 FROM C WHERE c.B_ID=11;"
		target => "[B][C]"


output {
# Output to the console
stdout {
codec => "rubydebug"

# Output to elastic search
elasticsearch {
	document_id => "%{A_ID}"
	index => "abc"
	codec => "json"
	hosts => ["localhost:9200"]




"@version" => "1",
"a_id" => 1,
"a_column1" => "A_DATA",
"@timestamp" => 2021-01-05T02:21:16.704Z,
"B" => [
[0] {
"b_column1" => "B_DATA1",
"b_id" => 11

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