JSON file input to logstash not working

I am using json input to logstash and my output is Elasticsearch.

Below is my input json file.

color: "red",
value: "#f00"
color: "green",
value: "#0f0"
color: "blue",
value: "#00f"
color: "cyan",
value: "#0ff"
color: "magenta",
value: "#f0f"
color: "yellow",
value: "#ff0"
color: "black",
value: "#000"

Below is my config file for logstash

path => "D:/ELK5.0/logstash-5.0.0/bin/jsontest.json"
sincedb_path => "D:/ELK5.0/logstash-5.0.0/bin/sincedb_path.txt"
start_position => "beginning"

filter {


output {
stdout { codec => json}
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
hosts => ""
index => "a1"
workers => 1

When i am using above config file i am getting output in kibana as each line of json file as one record.
I searched in elastic support they suggested to use multine.
I used below as my input but its not creating any index in Elasticsearch.

codec => multiline
pattern => '^{'
negate => true
what => previous
path => "D:/ELK5.0/logstash-5.0.0/bin/jsontest.json"
sincedb_path => "D:/ELK5.0/logstash-5.0.0/bin/sincedb_path.txt"
start_position => "beginning"

MY expected results is 
> color                   value
> red		               #f00
> green                    #0f0
> blue	                   #00f
> cyan	                   #0ff
> magenta	               #f0f
> yellow	               #ff0
> black	                   #000

Please help me how can i get.

Thanks in advance

Firstly, the structure of the file you quoted is not valid JSON as encoded. It might be valid inside a javascript .js file but as a standalone pretty printed JSON array is it not. The fields of the inner objects MUST be quoted.

If you correct that and use the multiline codec, what output do you get when you use stdout + rubydebug as your output?

I suspect the first event message text will be

'[{\n"color": “red”,\n"value": “#f00”\n}'

As is, this will not parse as JSON because of the leading [ without a trailing ], you need to remove this [.

All other lines except the last you need to remove the trailing , and for the last line the trailing ].


  mutate {
    gsub => [
      # remove all leading '[' and trailing ',' or ']'
      "message", "(?:\\A\\[|[,\\]]\\z)", ""

then you can use the json filter.

Check with stdout + rubydebug codec to verify.

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