JSON input field

Good afternoon, I am trying to save the information contained in a field in independent fields for later analysis in kibana.

I have tried actions of the json target, source plugin ... but I don't get any positive results.

The format is as follows,

Can somebody help me?

I'm not sure but if you just want to resolve this, you can run another json filter then use the event.EventData.CustomDataCollection.Rows column as source.

could you give more information please?

Thanks for your time

I think, it didnt parse the inner json due to it's an array. I suppose you are using logstash as u mentioned json plugin. Anyways, you can add either of these in the filter blocks.

 json {
 	source => "event.EventData.CustomDataCollection.Rows"


 mutate {
 	add_field => { "phone" => "%{[event.EventData.CustomDataCollection.Rows][Phone][Value]}" }
	add_field => { "name" => "%{[event.EventData.CustomDataCollection.Rows][Name][Value]}" }
	add_field => { "lastname" => "%{[event.EventData.CustomDataCollection.Rows][LastName][Value]}" }

Then you can remove the event.EventData.CustomDataCollection.Rows after.

Thank you very much for your time inhinyera16 but it has not worked.

Any idea how I can pass the information to independent fields?

source => "[event][EventData][CustomDataCollections][Rows]"

Thank you very much for your help and time but I have not been able to extract the fields using the advice received.

Any other idea?

Many thanks


output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

and show us what an event looks like. That contains more information than the JSON tab in Kibana.

Hello Badger,

Thanks for your healp,

"_index": "bplogs",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "dx1t9W8BQpprR2SqZxxM",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"headers": {
"http_version": "HTTP/1.1",
"http_accept": null,
"accept_encoding": "gzip,deflate",
"connection": "Keep-Alive",
"http_host": "localhost:5044",
"http_user_agent": "Manticore 0.6.4",
"content_type": "application/json",
"request_path": "/",
"request_method": "PUT",
"content_length": "1010"
"eventdata": "{"EventData":{"CustomDataCollection":{"Rows":[{"Name":{"Value":"Robin"},"LastName":{"Value":"Hood"},"Phone":{"Value":"967778875"}}]},"SessionNumber":15,"StageID":"180fabc4-fbc8-422d-a5d0-e0270f4e42b1","StageName":"Data Gateways::Send Custom Data","StageType":2,"StartDate":"2020-01-30T08:49:43.4891218+01:00","ProcessName":"DataGateway","PageName":"Main Page","ObjectName":"Data Gateways","actionName":"Send Custom Data"},"EventType":3}",
"@version": "1",
"@timestamp": "2020-01-30T07:49:45.118Z",
"event": {
"EventType": 3,
"EventData": {
"CustomDataCollection": {
"Rows": [
"Name": {
"Value": "Robin"
"Phone": {
"Value": "967778875"
"LastName": {
"Value": "Hood"
"SessionNumber": 15,
"StageType": 2,
"ProcessName": "DataGateway",
"StageName": "Data Gateways::Send Custom Data",
"PageName": "Main Page",
"ObjectName": "Data Gateways",
"StartDate": "2020-01-30T08:49:43.4891218+01:00",
"StageID": "180fabc4-fbc8-422d-a5d0-e0270f4e42b1",
"actionName": "Send Custom Data"
"fields": {
"event.EventData.StartDate": [
"@timestamp": [
"sort": [
"_index": "bplogs",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "dx1t9W8BQpprR2SqZxxM",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"headers": {
"http_version": "HTTP/1.1",
"http_accept": null,
"accept_encoding": "gzip,deflate",
"connection": "Keep-Alive",
"http_host": "localhost:5044",
"http_user_agent": "Manticore 0.6.4",
"content_type": "application/json",
"request_path": "/",
"request_method": "PUT",
"content_length": "1010"
"eventdata": "{"EventData":{"CustomDataCollection":{"Rows":[{"Name":{"Value":"Robin"},"LastName":{"Value":"Hood"},"Phone":{"Value":"967778875"}}]},"SessionNumber":15,"StageID":"180fabc4-fbc8-422d-a5d0-e0270f4e42b1","StageName":"Data Gateways::Send Custom Data","StageType":2,"StartDate":"2020-01-30T08:49:43.4891218+01:00","ProcessName":"DataGateway","PageName":"Main Page","ObjectName":"Data Gateways","actionName":"Send Custom Data"},"EventType":3}",
"@version": "1",
"@timestamp": "2020-01-30T07:49:45.118Z",
"event": {
"EventType": 3,
"EventData": {
"CustomDataCollection": {
"Rows": [
"Name": {
"Value": "Robin"
"Phone": {
"Value": "967778875"
"LastName": {
"Value": "Hood"
"SessionNumber": 15,
"StageType": 2,
"ProcessName": "DataGateway",
"StageName": "Data Gateways::Send Custom Data",
"PageName": "Main Page",
"ObjectName": "Data Gateways",
"StartDate": "2020-01-30T08:49:43.4891218+01:00",
"StageID": "180fabc4-fbc8-422d-a5d0-e0270f4e42b1",
"actionName": "Send Custom Data"
"fields": {
"event.EventData.StartDate": [
"@timestamp": [
"sort": [


tried adding this code

ruby {
code => '
event.get("[event][EventData][CustomDataCollection][Rows]").each { |x|
k = x
v = x["Value"]
if [ "Phone", "Name","LastName"].include? k
event.set(k, v)

but i doesnt work


source => "eventdata"
target => "parsedJson"

mutate {
add_field => {
"firstname" => "%{[parsedJson][EventData][CustomDataCollection][Rows][Name]}"

too and still not getting the expected results


Ok so here you go, this works on my end

input {
	file {
		path => "/tmpBIS/ror/elastic_env/logstash-6.7.1/log"
		start_position => "beginning"
 		sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

filter {

	json {
		source => "message"

	mutate {
		add_field => { "[EventData][CustomDataCollection_Name]" => "%{[EventData][CustomDataCollection][Rows][0][Name][Value]}" }
		add_field => { "[EventData][CustomDataCollection_LastName]" => "%{[EventData][CustomDataCollection][Rows][0][LastName][Value]}" }
		add_field => { "[EventData][CustomDataCollection_Phone]" => "%{[EventData][CustomDataCollection][Rows][0][Phone][Value]}" }

	mutate {
		remove_field => [ "message","host","@version","path","@timestamp","[EventData][CustomDataCollection]" ]
output {
	stdout {codec=> rubydebug}



Thank you very much for your help,

It's a pleasure that there are people like you.

thanks @Mbt_Mbt!

Ps: Please mark as "Solution" if you think this helps :slight_smile:

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