_jsonparsefailure with special characters?

We are getting _jsonparsefailure for some records being input from a client in France
We have a copy of their Database and when importing with the same logstash.config file we succeed in parsing all the records correctly. from their site, they get "_jsonparsefailure" for some records.
the filter code which fails is:
if [mdprops]
mutate {
add_field => {"[MDProperties][Type]" => "%{[mdprops][MDProperties][Type]}"}
add_field => {"[MDProperties][Name]" => "%{[mdprops][MDProperties][Name]}"}
add_field => {"[MDProperties][Value]" => "%{[mdprops][MDProperties][Value]}"}
remove_field => [ "json", "mdprops" ]

I see that the input contains a special character ° (degree)
"MDProperties": [
"Type": 3,
"Name": "JTO Aircraft Conditions",
"Value": "FROM/TO: LFBO/LFBO SFC WIND: 320°/10 Kt QNH: 1020 HPa\nZFW: 17000 KG (72) CRZ WIND: 320°/20 Kt \nFUEL: 2000 KG (72) MET: CAVOK \nCG: 25%(72) OAT + 15°C\nDEP: 32R\nARR: ILS32R"
"Type": 1,
"Name": "JTO Group Num",
"Value": "0"

the output for this record is:
"MDProperties" : {
"Value" : "%{[mdprops][MDProperties][Value]}",
"Name" : "%{[mdprops][MDProperties][Name]}",
"Type" : "%{[mdprops][MDProperties][Type]}"



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