JsonPath in Logstash plugin

I there any option to parse JSON with JsonPath - similar like XML filter plugin with xpath?

In Json filter plugin I don't see such option but it would be very helpfull i.e parsing all parameters of objects array.

Example - let's say that on one field I have json message:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName" : "doe",
  "age"      : 26,
  "address"  : {
    "streetAddress": "naist street",
    "city"         : "Nara",
    "postalCode"   : "630-0192"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type"  : "iPhone",
      "number": "0123-4567-8888"
      "type"  : "home",
      "number": "0123-4567-8910"

with jsonPath = $.phoneNumbers[:].type I would extract new field: parsed-types => "iPhone, home"

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