Kubernetes: Filebeat parses JSON in message field no matter if I want or not

I want to use Filebeat (current version) to collect logs from our Kubernetes Cluster by using this manual: Run Filebeat on Kubernetes | Filebeat Reference [8.6] | Elastic

I want to control if the message of a cointainer should be parsed as json or not due two reasons:

1.) Not every Pod in our Cluster is logging in Json
2.) I want to make sure that only ECS compliant Json is parsed

My favorite solution is to configure filebeat to output to a remote logstash elastic_agent input (one reason for that is that I can manipulate messages in logstash easily if necessary). Sending the events to a logstash instance is working without a problem BUT if I use this configuration below in filebeat to gather the logfiles on the kubernetes node, the message field is automatically parsed (NOT using annotations):

    - type: kubernetes
      node: ${NODE_NAME}
      hints.enabled: true
        type: container
          - /var/log/containers/*${data.kubernetes.container.id}.log

If I remove this part:
So that the input path is just:
- /var/log/containers/*.log

Its not being parsed anymore, but filebeat seems to mix up messages one container exposes with informations of other containers running in the cluster. So overall its not useable, and I wonder what am I doing wrong?

In short: To me it looks like adding ${data.kubernetes.container.id} in the path automatically activates the json parser.

Additionaly, its strange that an error.message and error.type field is added with the following values when the message field is automatically parsed:

I really can't imagine that nobody stumbled over this yet. It seems just not possbile with filebeat in a kubernetes cluster to:

1.) NOT parse json a pod potentially exposes if using autodiscover of type kubernetes AND using ${data.kubernetes.container.id} in the container input path (as it is suggested by documentation)

2.) removing ${data.kubernetes.container.id} in the filepath fucks up the whole logging, as filebeat mixes log messages/metadata of different pods togheter randomly

By the way, setting the json settings does not make a difference either way. Filebeat is still adding the fields at root level if message contains a json:

        - type: kubernetes
          node: ${NODE_NAME}
          hints.enabled: true
            type: container
              - /var/log/containers/*${data.kubernetes.container.id}.log
            json.keys_under_root: false
            json.add_error_key: false
            json.message_key: message

sorry for the noise, I've found the issue it was a misconfiguration

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