Kv filtering problem

message" => "SENT => Status : [SENT] | CID/GID : [20799461/ABC] | OBID : [08824] | SID : [02471] | StatusMsg : [null]",

I wish the following fields
Status => SENT,
CID/GID => 20799461/ABC,
OBID => 08824,
SID => 02471,
StatusMsg = null

My logstash grok patterns like:
filter {
kv {
value_split => ":"

But not working kv filtering. What is my wrong? Please help me to split that message.

That is not a strict KV format, so will require a combination of fields. First use adissect filter to separate everything but SENT => in a single field, then replace [ and ] with empty strings unless you want these in the values. Then you should be able to use the KV filter on what remains with a field_split of | and a value_split of :.

Thank you for helping me.
Yes, I have done according to your suggestions.
Now my message like this.

message" => " Status : [SENT] | CID/GID : [20799461/ABC] | OBID : [08824] | SID : [02471] | StatusMsg : [null]",

I wish the following fields
Status => SENT,
CID/GID => 20799461/ABC,
OBID => 08824,
SID => 02471,
StatusMsg = null

My logstash grok patterns like:
filter {
kv {
field_split => "|"
value_split => ":"

But not working kv filtering. Please help me to split that message.

What does "not working" mean? Can you show what you are getting and the full config? Did you follow the other steps I described?

message => " Status : [SENT] | CID/GID : [20799461/ABC] | OBID : [08824] | SID : [02471] | StatusMsg : [null]",
Class => "abc:567"
host.name => "vm-1"
@version => 1

filter {
if [Class] == "abc:567" {
kv {
field_split => "|"
value_split => ":"
mutate {
remove_field => [ "message"]

Logstash run successfully. And adissect filter working properly. But kv filter not working. Its show
message => " Status : [SENT] | CID/GID : [20799461/ABC] | OBID : [08824] | SID : [02471] | StatusMsg : [null]",

Don't split any fields via kv filter. I try and try. But not find my fault sir.

If the [Class] field had the value "abc:567" at the point where that filter was processed then the [message] field would have been removed. It was not removed, so that suggests that the [Class] field is added later, and nothing in that filter section executes.

What does the complete configuration look like?

1 Like

Log file like this:
2019-11-05 10:08:25,452 : [INFO ] http-5 [abc:571] SENT => Status : [nt-sent] | cId/gId : [20799461/ABC] | OBID : [08824] | SID : [18393567] | StatusMsg : [null]
2019-11-05 10:08:25,453 : [INFO ] http-5 [xyz:-1] Executing SP ACT_nt with Action [UPDATE]

filter {
if [log][file][path] == "/home/jhon/jhon.log" {
grok {
  match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time},%{DATA:ID} : \[%{DATA:loglevel}\] %{DATA:thread} \[%{DATA:class}\] %{DATA:bal} %{DATA:bal2} %{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
  overwrite => "message"

else if [class] == "abc:571" {
kv {
  allow_duplicate_values => false
  include_brackets => true
  field_split => "|"
  value_split => ":"
mutate {
    remove_field => [ "message"]

else if [Status] == "nt-sent" {
grok {
  match => { "cId/gId" => "%{DATA:cId}/%{DATA:gId}:" }
mutate {
    remove_field => [ "cId/gId"]

 			"thread" => "http-5",
 			 "class" => "abc:571",
	 "log.file.path" => "/home/jhon/jhon.log"
                "ID" => "796",
          "loglevel" => "INFO ",
 			  "time" => "2019-11-05 10:27:30",
        "@timestamp" => 2019-11-05T04:27:32.677Z,
           "message" => "Status : [nt-sent] | cId/gId : [20799461/ABC] | OBID : [08824] | SID : [18393567] |  StatusMsg : [null]"

kv filtering not works.
Thanks for helping.

Correct. You configuration has

if [log][file][path] == "/home/jhon/jhon.log" {
    grok { ... }
else if [class] == "abc:571" {
    kv { ... }

If the grok is executed, which is what sets [class], then the else clause will never execute. Remove the word else.

Take a look at the trim_key and trim_value options on the kv filter.

Thanks a lots. Now all are ok

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