Load balance output between multiple hosts

I have a logstash instance with multiple hosts output. According to the documentation, logstash should load balance across the hosts specified. However, I am receiving the logs on both of the elasticsearch instance.

Am I doing something wrong and how should I be configuring it? Below is a sample of my configuration. Thanks in advance.

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["x.x.x.x:9200", "y.y.y.y:9200"]

How are you determining this? Are you seeing duplicates?


I'm not sure if this is the correct approach but I configured it to be two single-node cluster so as to see which elasticsearch node will receive the logs.

And what are you seeing? Do all logs get indexed into both instances?

Yup, the logs appears in both of the instances.

Can you give the output of the cluster stats API from both nodes?

Hi there,

Sorry for the late reply. I have changed my configuration file and have noticed that the output now only goes to one instance at a time. I was just wondering if this is just a coincidence or does the "start_position" in the input plugin affects this?
i.e. I changed start_position from "beginning" to "end".

Also, may I ask how the load balancing is done? E.g. is it round robin or least used?

As for the cluster stats API, here are the links to the pastebin:
Node1: https://pastebin.com/1TQu4Q0k
Node2: https://pastebin.com/MjSwGJwh

Once again, sorry for the late reply and thank you in advance!

Edit: Replaced pastebin url as it expired.


This affects how Logstash reads files, not where the data is sent.

Am not sure.

That is my thought too. However, that was the only part that I changed during my testing, so I'm still not really sure how the load balancing is done.

Okay, thank you so much for the help though! :slight_smile:

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