Locale automatically being set in date filter

I have a timestamp in my log and its already in the timezone that I want. But when I apply a date filter to it to convert it into a timestamp, it automatically is converted into my local time which I don't want because it already is and therefore it is converted unnecessarily and gives me wrong timestamp. How do I avoid this?

Please help!

Can you give an example, including your configuration and information about the timezone of all hosts involved?

Yes of course. Below is the config file.

        path => ["/home/punit/spark.out"]
        start_position => "beginning"    
        codec => multiline 
                                pattern => "^%{NUMBER}/%{NUMBER}/%{NUMBER}"
                                negate => true
                                what => "previous"
        match => {"message" => "%{NUMBER:log_year}/%{NUMBER:log_month}/%{NUMBER:log_day} %{TIME:log_time} %{LOGLEVEL:log_level} %{DATA:component}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"}
        add_field => {"log_timestamp" => "%{log_year}-%{log_month}-%{log_day} %{log_time}"}
        rename => {"@timestamp" => "event_timestamp"}
                remove_field => ["@version","message","path","log_year","log_month","log_day","log_time"]
        match => ["log_timestamp","yy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss"]
        target => "log_timestamp"
output {
     stdout { codec => json }

Its automatically doing +6:30 to the log timestamp even though I have not specified any timezone or locale.

You didn't provide all information that was asked for. Are you taking into account that the date filter always converts timestamps to UTC?

No I didn't know that it converted the timestamp to UTC. And what extra info do I have to provide?

I want the time as it is in the log file.

I said

Can you give an example, including your configuration and information about the timezone of all hosts involved?

and so far I've only seen the configuration. By example I mean what the timestamp looks before the date filter and what it looks like afterwards. The difference you're seeing is probably because of the conversion to UTC.

Before date filter:

16/01/27 16:24:47

After date filter:


Here is a line from the file:

16/01/27 16:24:47 INFO Master: Registered signal handlers for [TERM, HUP, INT]

If your local timezone is UTC+6:30 then this is the expected behavior. The date filter always converts to UTC. This is not configurable.

Okay thanks a lot @magnusbaeck. I think I was fretting for no reason.