Log parsing of TIMeSTAMP Not working as expected

Please check and give me the solution for it...
Sample Data: WARN | wrapper | 2019/06/14 03:17:14 | The "wrapper.java.additional.2" property was redefined on line #84 of configuration file: C:\Rockwell\IOServerES\conf\wrapper.conf

Tried Pattern: %{LOGLEVEL:level:tag}.....%{DATA:component:tag}......./|%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}

Output sample: {
"level": [
"component": [
"wrapper "
"timestamp": [
"message": [

"level": [
"component": [
"wrapper "
"timestamp": [
"2019/06/14 03:17:14 "
"message": [
"The "wrapper.java.additional.2" property was redefined on line #84 of configuration file: C:\Rockwell\IOServerES\conf\wrapper.conf"

I would guess you failed to escape your | with , so that they are being interpreted as alternation rather than literal | characters.

At the place of component | escaped know...but why the timestap not collection data.

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