Logs dont' show up when trying to use filter


I'm attempting to utilize the filter with the accessible logs that are displayed on one of my dashboards; however, those available logs do not appear when using a filter.

For example, the logs are displaying, and I added the lables.applicationName:API.TemporaryCodes as a filter to see all those API related logs.

No logs appears when using a filter.

Could you suggest what caused this problem?


Hi @haktoggle

What Version and Application are you using Discover?

So when you type this into the KQL Bar and wait do you see autocomplete values show up

lables.applicationName: <--- SORRY FIXED

Like this

Hi @stephenb,

Thanks for your reply.

The elastic stack is currently running on v8.8.0, and I don't see any autocomplete values when typing it into the KQL bar. I got the following error instead:


Apologies in the first example I had a typo

1st example Put this in and wait...


2nd Picture field names are case sensitive so pick one then the : choice should appear select that and wait... you should see autocomplete

3rd You can also filter for a keyword on the left Field Selector and click on it and it will show you the available values

basically use type ahead and select.

KQL Guide

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