Logs shown in Kibana are behind the current time

I configured Filebeat, Logstash, ES and Kibana, to gather nginx-ingress logs from Kubernetes.
Since there's a lot of logs (10 hits in a second), the presented data in Kibana is good, but behind the current time.
For example , shown logs are for 17:05:24 but now is 17:15, and this delta is getting bigger, because of the amount of logs.
I tried to use scan_frequency and close_inactive in filebeat config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: filebeat-prospectors
  namespace: kube-system
    k8s-app: filebeat
    kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
  kubernetes.yml: |-
    - type: docker
      - "*"
        - add_kubernetes_metadata:
            in_cluster: true
      scan_frequency: 10s
      close_inactive: 1m

But it didn't really helps, any best practise for such case?


The lag might be in Logstash or Elasticsearch. Filebeat tries to read files as fast as possible, but is subject to back-pressure from downstream systems. If Elasticsearch/Logstash can not hold up to the load generated by filebeat, they will force filebeat to slow down.

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