Logstasch pipeline filter

I am new to ELK and struggling to write my first logstash pipeline.
Can anyone help me to write the filter section?
Thanks in advance.

i want to filter and only output the maximum of completion per users

for instance :
user completion
u2 20
u48 100

that is my trial whitout succeed.

{hosts => "...."
user => "..."
password => "..."
index => "index1"
codec =>"json"
docinfo => true

filter {
aggregate {
task_id => "%{users}"
code => "map['completion'] = event.get('completion') ;
event.cancel if (map['completion']) != map['completion'].max()"
map_action => "create" }

{hosts => "..."
user => "...l"
password => "..."
index => "index2"
document_type =>"%{[@metadata][_type]}"
document_id =>"%{[@metadata][_id]}"

can someone helps me please, thank you!


After defining all your pipelines in the pipelines.yml you'll have to set an "input" pipeline then filter the logs you want like this

output {
        if "water" in [tags] {
          pipeline { send_to => pool }
        } else if "lava" in [tags] {
          pipeline { send_to => volcano }
        } else if "tree" in [tags] or "bush" in [tags] {
          pipeline { send_to => forest }

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