Logstash 7.0.1 - Grok pattern


I am using Logstash 7.0.1. I have the following log :

amPolicy:05/16/2019 05:47:31:262 AM CEST: Thread[http-nio-8080-exec-14,5,main]

The Logstash configuration is like that :

mutate {
     gsub => [ "timestamp", "CEST", "" ]
date {
       match => ["timestamp", "MM/dd/yyyy KK:mm:ss:SSS aa" , "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss:SSS a",   "MM/dd/yyyy KK:mm:ss:SSS"]
       target => "@timestamp"

But I always receive the message _dateparsefailure

t   message	amPolicy:05/16/2019 05:47:31:262 AM CEST: Thread[http-nio-8080-exec-14,5,main]
t   tags	openamlogs, _dateparsefailure
t   timestamp	05/16/2019 05:47:31:262 AM 

Thanks for help

If you started with this then you removed the CEST but not the trailing space, so your timestamp field is

"05/16/2019 05:47:31:262 AM "

which does not match your pattern. Change the gsub to match


It is working.

Thanks a lot :pray:

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