Hi there
I ha a server with Linux Ubuntu 20.04 and ELK 8.6
I noticed that the ingestion proccess became slow and I have not change any parameters.
This is the conf file for theindex.
input {
file {
path => "/opt/trabaja/csv/trx_hours*.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path=> "NULL"
mode => "read"
file_completed_action => "delete"
file_sort_by => "path"
exit_after_read => true
filter {
csv { separator => ";"
columns => ["nodo","fecha","usuario","serviceid","sesid","base","sp","trn","ssn","tiempo","tiempo_sp","observacion"]}
mutate { remove_field => [ "message", "@version","host","[log][file][path]" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "fecha", "string" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "usuario", "string" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "serviceid", "string" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "sesid", "string" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "base", "string" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "sp", "string" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "trn", "float" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "ssn", "float" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "tiempo", "float" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "tiempo_sp", "float" ] }
mutate { convert => [ "observacion", "string" ] }
mutate { add_field => { "fecha_dia" => "%{fecha}" } }
date {
match => [ "fecha_dia", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" ,"ISO8601"]
timezone => "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
target => "@timestamp"
mutate { remove_field => [ "fecha_dia" ]}
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "trx_hours_new"
user => "elastic"
password => "Accusys123*"
retry_on_conflict => 0 }
stdout { }
logstash jvm.options 8gb
Any help please.
Thanks in advance.