Logstash and syslog: logs from specific IP

Hi there,

Firstly, let me just say that I am new in elk stack but I already think it's great solution.
I use elk with syslog, to collect and search logs from multiple client systems. What I did so far:
syslog is listening on 514 port, processing every message (saving to specific file) and redirecting every message also to localhost 1514 ( to logstash).

host => ""
port => 1514
type => syslog

output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

My question is: can I do something, to group my logs per IP of client? For example, I want to show only logs from client X (A.B.C.D ip address) - how to do it? Should I create seprate index for each client? or maybe some filter?

Please help,

Where do you want to group them, in ES?

I'm not sure where I want to group them. What I want is to show all messages from client X on one page, build visualization for only one client etc. Now all messages from all clients are in one place and to find specific client I need to use "search" option.

Sounds like via Kibana then.

You can use a filter to do this, eg hostname: hostname.example.com.

Can you please tell me how to set up this filter in kibana? I tried to enter this in "search" field but it doesn't work. I though filters are placed in logstash but maybe I'm wrong.

They are different types of filters.

So if you put a search into KB, what happens?

Mark - thank you for your help. I think I solved my problem: instead of redirecting my syslog to logstash port 1514, I changed my logstash configuration:

path => ["/path/to/saved/logs/1/*.log"]
start_position => "beginning"
type => "syslog"

                    path => ["/path/to/saved/logs/2/*.log"]
                    start_position => "beginning"
                    type => "syslog"


Now, as a search criteria I can choose "path" value (for example /path/to/saved/logs/2/syslog.log). If so, only logs from one host (host 2) would be shown. Another thing is I don't understand yet what are the pros and cons of such solution - I think I will open a new discussion about it.
