Logstash/Beats tagging not working?


I'm attempting to add tags via beats input into logstash using:

input {
        beats {
                host => ""
                port => 5045
                client_inactivity_timeout => 0
                tags => ["malware"]

filter {
if "malware" in [tags] {
    grok {
#               break_on_match => false
            patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/conf.d/patterns/mypatterns"
            match => {
                    "message" => [
                                    "%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:zone} - %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} - Total time taken: %{NOTSPACE:crontimetaken} \(M:S\)",
                                    "%{DATESTAMP} %{WORD:zone} - %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} - %{DATA:returnstatustext} %{INT:returnstatuscode}"

    mutate {
            convert => {
                            "[returnstatuscode]" => "integer"

output {
if "malware" in [tags] {
    elasticsearch {
                    hosts => ""
                    manage_template => true
                    template_overwrite => true
                    index => "test-index-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

However it doesn't seem to pass any records into elasticsearch with this config, if I remove the tags section it passes the records in fine (obviously just without the tags).

I've also attempted to do this in filebeat using:


- type: log
  enabled: true
  tags: [ "malware" ]
     - /var/log/test.log

But again, it doesn't seem to pass the tag for me to search in Kibana.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this may be?

Temporarily replace the elasticsearch output with a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output while you're debugging.

Hey Magnus,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I've enabled this setting now and I'm not seeing much in the logs that could help:

Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:           "prospector" => {
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:         "type" => "log"
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:     },
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:             "loglevel" => "NOTICE",
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:     "returnstatustext" => "Cron finished with return status",
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:           "@timestamp" => 2018-02-01T14:43:44.238Z,
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:                 "zone" => "GMT",
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:               "source" => "/tmp/cron-test.log",
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:              "message" => "01-02-2018 07:15:08 GMT - NOTICE - Cron finished with return status 0.",
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:     "returnstatuscode" => 0,
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]:                 "host" => "test-elk"
Feb  1 14:43:45 monitoring logstash[14733]: }

Please show the full message. Specifically, I'm interested in the presence of a tags field. The fact that the grok filter conditioned on a tag to be present obviously worked so I really would expect a tags field here.

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