Logstash can't handle multiple pipline


logstash  Version:5.5.1
OS:centos 7.3.1611-x86_64

logstash pipline conf


#logstash for metricbeat
input {
  beats {
    port => 5044

filter {
   mutate  {  add_field => { "[@metadata][index_prefix]" => "%{agent}-%{env}-%{dc}-%{os}-%{service}" } }
   mutate  {  remove_field =>  ["agent","dc","env","os","service","type"]  }


output {
    file {
    path => "/tmp/logstash-5044"


#logstash for tcpbeat
input {
  tcp {
    port => 5050
    codec => "json"

filter {
  json {
    source => "message"
  mutate {
         remove_field =>  ["message"]  

output {
     file {
         path =>"/tmp/logstash-5050"

test case

#json file


nc fr4eslogstash01.tls.ad 5050 < /tmp/test




Why logstash pipline can't distinguish from different tcp request, I just sent a json test file to logstash tcp 5050,why
tcp 5044 also received the message. it's not what I wanted results. if I enabled 10 or 12 piplines with different port sepereatly, when I just sent some data to a particular port of logstash, all other ports also can got the data, that's so mess up.

Does anyone can give a solution to address this issue?

best regards


Unless you have a very recent Logstash and explicitly configure its recently added multi-pipeline feature you only have a single pipeline. To choose which filters and outputs to apply to which inputs you need to use conditionals.

hi @magnusbaeck,
cuz 6.0 is still in beta version, all of ELK we currently are using v5.5.1, so it's not easy to upgrade.. I would like to keep current version and using conditional filters to implement it or enable multiple logstash instances.
Would you please give me a detailed example walk me through that?


This question comes up every week and I don't have time to answer in detail every time. Please search the archives of this forum and make sure you understand https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/event-dependent-configuration.html.

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