Logstash can't process all JSON logs


We are sending logs directly from django based python application to logstash over TCP/9111 port. We found that some logs are missing like

{"@timestamp": "2018-07-13T14:38:23.741Z", "remote_addr": "", "host": "ubuntu-xenial", "message": "Successful multi-factor authentication step", "path": "/home/ubuntu/themis_airflow/profiles/views.py", "@version": "1", "stack_info": null, "logger_name": "profiles.views", "auth": {"user": 152390415851211, "step": 1, "mfa": "REQ"}, "type": "flow-django-local", "tags": ["mfa-success"], "level": "INFO"}

{"@timestamp": "2018-07-13T14:39:28.506Z", "remote_addr": "", "host": "ubuntu-xenial", "message": "Successful multi-factor authentication step", "path": "/home/ubuntu/themis_airflow/profiles/views.py", "@version": "1", "stack_info": null, "logger_name": "profiles.views", "auth": {"user": 152390415851211, "step": 1, "mfa": "REQ"}, "type": "flow-django-local", "tags": ["mfa-success"], "level": "INFO"}

We found the first log in Kibana but the second one didn't appeared.

Here are out logstash configuration:

  tcp {
    host  => ""
    port  => 9111
    codec => "json"
    tags  => ["django"]

filter {
  if "django" in [tags] {
      json {
        source => "message"

output {

  if "django" in [tags] {
    amazon_es {
      hosts  => ["<AWS-ES>"]
      region => "<region>"
      index  => "django-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

  else {
    null {}


output {
  if "django" in [tags] {
      region => "<region>"
      bucket => "dotdash-qa-application-logs"
      prefix => "app/django/%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
      size_file => 2146304
      time_file => 5
      codec => json
      canned_acl => "private"
  else {
    null {}

We found the following warning log in logstash

[2018-07-13T15:07:04,097][WARN ][logstash.filters.json ] Error parsing json {:source=>"message", :raw=>"Login failed.", :exception=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unrecognized token 'Login': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')
at [Source: (byte)"Login failed."; line: 1, column: 7]>}

Any help would be appreciated.

Ferdous Shibly

If you are using a json codec on the input the "message" field will be something like "Successful multi-factor authentication step" and that is not valid JSON. You do not need a json filter if you use a codec.

After removing filter pipeline, we found some tags are missing. We got only tags which are being added in the input chain. And still now some logs are missing.

If that is your complete configuration it is hard to see how that could be happening. But I would suggest replacing those null outputs with something like file to see if there are events going through those branches.

Only message I found is

[2018-07-15T23:16:31,025][WARN ][logstash.filters.json ] Error parsing json {:source=>"message", :raw=>"Login failed.", :exception=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unrecognized token 'Login': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')
at [Source: (byte)"Login failed."; line: 1, column: 7]>}

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