Logstash Condiational Filtering Issue with Geo Location

Hi Everyone,

Sorry if this is answered somewhere else and I would appreciate if you can help.

I'm sending logs from FortiGate to Logstash and I want to set geoip location to be sent to Elasticsearch. Since some traffic on the FortiGate is from internal private IPs, including external VPNs etc., I want to somehow tell Logstash that when the destination is not the Internet-facing interface it should use a public address (here for test, and when it sees the traffic comes from the internal interface (Port10), it should use the NAT IP

This is the filter I wrote, but it gives error

if "dstintf" != "port1" {
    geoip {
      default_database_type => "City"
      source => ""
      tag_on_failure => ["_dst_city_geo_failure"]
      target => "dst_ip"
  } else {
      default_database_type => "City"
      source => "dstip"
      tag_on_failure => ["_dst_city_geo_failure"]
      target => "dst_ip"

  if "srcintf" == "port10" {
  geoip {
    default_database_type => "City"
    source => "transip"
    tag_on_failure => ["_src_city_geo_failure"]
    target => "src_ip"
  } else {
      default_database_type => "City"
      source => "srcip"
      tag_on_failure => ["_src_city_geo_failure"]
      target => "src_ip"

This is the error I get:

[WARN ] 2023-09-22 16:19:10.754 [[main]>worker0] elasticsearch - Could not index event to Elasticsearch. {:status=>400, :action=>["index", {:_id=>nil, :_index=>"firewall-2023.09.22", :routing=>nil}, {HERE THE PAIR VALUES OF LOGS ARE, I REMOVED THEM FOR READABILITY PURPOSE}], :response=>{"index"=>{"_index"=>"fortigate-2023.09.22", "_id"=>"w9qKu4oBu3VwOasdztwD", "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"document_parsing_exception", "reason"=>"[1:717] failed to parse field [src_loc] of type [geo_point]", "caused_by"=>{"type"=>"parse_exception", "reason"=>"latitude must be a number"}}}}}

Where are you setting the src_loc field? elasticsearch will parse several different formats for a geo_point, but in all of them latitude and longitude have to be recognizable as numbers.

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