Logstash conditions not working as expected

I am trying to determine why the last part of my outputs is failing (when not remarked out). Here is my configuration. Would someone help me figure out why it's failing? It's saying I am missing

 output {
  if [type] == "dlq" {
    kafka {
     message_key => "%{userId}"
    topic_id => "core.device.events.dlq"
    compression_type => "snappy"
    codec => "json"
# Handle Device Responses  
   else if [type] == "device-response" {
   kafka {
    message_key => "%{userId}"
    topic_id => "core.device.commands.%{operation}.response"
    compression_type => "snappy"
    codec => "json"
# ALL Messages go to events.all
else {
  kafka {
    message_key => "%{userId}"
    topic_id => "core.device.events.all"
    compression_type => "snappy"
    codec => "json"

  # Create per-deviceType topics - Need to create the topics in Kafka when adding a new deviceType!
  kafka {
    message_key => "%{userId}"
    topic_id => "core.device.events.%{deviceType}"
    compression_type => "snappy"
    codec => "json"
`   }

# Create per-operation topics - Need to create the topics in Kafka when adding a new operation!       
# 	if [operation] == "alarm" or [operation] == "remove-staged-software" or [operation] == "file-upload" {
# 	 {
#             message_key => "%{userId}"
#             topic_id => "core.device.event.%{operation}"
#             compression_type => "snappy"
#             codec => "json"
#           }
#       }


Appears to be missing the word kafka.

Wow, thank you. Stupid mistake but at least it's easy to fix.

Thank you so much.

Well that was a typo from cutting and pasting into this wonderful UI when I was trying to get it to blockquote. The error is

 "[FATAL] 2019-01-31 19:31:02.427 [LogStash::Runner] runner - The given configuration is invalid. Reason: Expected one of #, and, or, xor, nand, { at line 96, column 40 (byte 2522) after output {" 

Here is the failing config:

input {
  stomp {
    destination   => "consumer.kafka-core.virtual.topic.out.events.all"
    codec         => "json"
    host          => "mq"
    type          => "device-events"
  stomp {
    destination   => "consumer.kafka-core.virtual.topic.out.commands.all"
    codec         => "json"
    host          => "mq"
    type          => "commands"
  stomp {
    destination   => "consumer.kafka-core.virtual.topic.out.DLQ.all"
    codec         => "json"
    host          => "mq"
    type          => "dlq"
  stomp {
    destination   => "consumer.kafka-core.virtual.topic.out.response.all"
    codec         => "json"
    host          => "mq"
    type          => "device-response"

# Filters
filter {
# For incoming events from devices
  if [type] == "device-events" {  
    mutate {
      replace =>  { "type" => "event-%{deviceType}-%{operation}" }

# Rules for outgoing commands sent to devices
  if [type] == "commands" {
     mutate {
       remove_field => [ "[payload][cert]" ]
       remove_field => [ "[payload][pwd]" ]
     mutate {
       replace =>  { "type" => "command-%{deviceType}-%{operation}" }

# Rules for ALL messages
  mutate {
       lowercase => [ "type" ]
  date {
       locale => en
       match => [ "sentTimestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS" , "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSSZ" , "ISO8601" ]

# Outputs
output {
# Handle Dead Letter Messages  
  if [type] == "dlq" {
    kafka {
      message_key => "%{siteId}"
      topic_id => "core.device.events.dlq"
      compression_type => "snappy"
      codec => "json"
# Handle Device Responses  
    else if [type] == "device-response" {
    kafka {
      message_key => "%{siteId}"
      topic_id => "core.device.commands.%{operation}.response"
      compression_type => "snappy"
      codec => "json"

# ALL Messages go to events.all
    kafka {
      message_key => "%{siteId}"
      topic_id => "core.device.events.all"
      compression_type => "snappy"
      codec => "json"

  # Create per-deviceType topics - Need to create the topics in Kafka when adding a new deviceType!
      kafka {
        message_key => "%{siteId}"
        topic_id => "core.device.events.%{deviceType}"
        compression_type => "snappy"
        codec => "json"
  # Create per-operation topics - Need to create the topics in Kafka when adding a new operation!       
       if [operation] == "alarm-event" OR [operation] == "remove-staged-software-event" OR [operation] == "file-upload-event" {
           kafka {
             message_key => "%{siteId}"
             topic_id => "core.device.event.%{operation}"
             compression_type => "snappy"
             codec => "json"

Two ways forward. Go to line 96 and then 40 columns in you find your self on the O of OR on this line

 if [operation] == "alarm-event" OR [operation]

Or read the error message

 after output {\n# Handle Dead Letter Messages  [...] if [operation] == \"alarm-event\" 

Either way, what comes next is "OR". Which should be "or".

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