Logstash conf not working for json format

Hi Marcus,

I have tried the json plugin but it is not working plz help me

{"_id":{"$oid":"592fdb630b2262682c85351d"},"Date":"20170510","url":"Loading of Page /start","Device":"Mobile","Browser":"UC Browser mobile","BrowserVersion":"UC Browser mobile 11.3","OS":"Android","OSVesrion":"Android 6.0 Marshmallow","ErrorCount":1.0,"SuccessCount":27.0,"TotalHit":28.0,"ErrorPerc":3.5714285714285716,"SuccessPerc":96.42857142857143}

i have provided the sample of my json.
and below is my conf file

input {
file {
type => "json"
path => "D:\QK\Jalpesh\conf\ganesh.json"
codec=> "json"
source => "message"

output {

elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost"
index => "index99"

It is loading default template

Use a filter like this:

filter {    	
	json {
		source => "message"
		target => "__json"

I'm not sure that the json codec is needed in the input ( did not use it in my test ) and you should get something like:-

       "message" => "{\"_id\":{\"$oid\":\"592fdb630b2262682c85351d\"},\"Date\":\"20170510\",\"url\":\"Loading of Page /start\",\"Device\":\"Mobile\",\"Browser\":\"UC Browser mobile\",\"BrowserVersion\":\"UC Browser mobile 11.3\",\"OS\":\"Android\",\"OSVesrion\":\"Android 6.0 Marshmallow\",\"ErrorCount\":1.0,\"SuccessCount\":27.0,\"TotalHit\":28.0,\"ErrorPerc\":3.5714285714285716,\"SuccessPerc\":96.42857142857143}",
      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => "2017-06-20T14:23:32.300Z",
          "path" => "/Users/kryten/Documents/Utilities/logstash-2.3.1/source2.log",
          "host" => "kryten-mbp",
        "__json" => {
                   "_id" => {
            "$oid" => "592fdb630b2262682c85351d"
                  "Date" => "20170510",
                   "url" => "Loading of Page /start",
                "Device" => "Mobile",
               "Browser" => "UC Browser mobile",
        "BrowserVersion" => "UC Browser mobile 11.3",
                    "OS" => "Android",
             "OSVesrion" => "Android 6.0 Marshmallow",
            "ErrorCount" => 1.0,
          "SuccessCount" => 27.0,
              "TotalHit" => 28.0,
             "ErrorPerc" => 3.5714285714285716,
           "SuccessPerc" => 96.42857142857143

With all your json fields under "__json" ready for use.

Use JSON Editor for Edit, validate and Format JSON data.

I have tried the json plugin but it is not working plz help me

If you tell us in what way it doesn't work it'll be easier to help out.

Thank u for the reply .The problem is it is not loading the data from the file ,it is loading the default template

The file format i am having is .json while loading the data through logstash ,it doesnt throw error but loading default template and the index is not seen in the kibana.

Logstash is probably tailing the input file. Please check out the documentation and previous posts to see what's said about the sincedb_path and start_position configuration options.

Hi Marcus,

I have deleted the Sincedb files and also set the sincedb option to "NUL". But still it is loading the default template.

I have deleted the Sincedb files and also set the sincedb option to "NUL".

What about start_position?

But still it is loading the default template.

Don't get distracted by that log message.

Comment out the elasticsearch output and use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output while debugging.

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