Logstash Config File Error: type 'string'


I'm currently trying to ingest a CSV file containing blogposts, and I'm getting the error

Exiting: error loading config file: type 'string' is not supported on top level of config, only dictionary or list (source:'datasets/blogs_csv.conf')

This is my config file:

input {

filter {
  csv {
    seperator => ";"
  dissect {
    mapping => {
      message => "%{title};%{seo_title};%{url};%{author};%{date};%{category};%{locales};%{content}"
  date {
    match => [ "date", "MMMM dd, yyyy" ]
    target => "publish_date"
    remove_field => ["date"]
  mutate {
    remove_field => ["@version", "path", "host", "message", "tags", "@timestamp"]

output {
  stdout { codec => "dots"}
  elasticsearch {
    index => "blogs"
    document_type => "_doc"

Anyone have any ideas?


I'm not seeing that error message defined in Logstash core source, but I do see that you may have a typo; seperator should be separator.

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