Logstash config for multiple stacktrace formats in same log


I have a SystemError log which has two different formats for writing stacktraces.

One is:

[12/26/16 17:41:58:237 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R com.ascd.qwer.common.SecurityViolationException: User Record not present.
[12/26/16 17:41:58:237 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R 	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(ASDC.java:123)
[12/26/16 17:41:58:237 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R 	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(oginEJBBean.java:1234)
[12/26/16 17:41:58:237 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R 	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(Unknown Source)
[12/26/16 17:41:58:237 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R 	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(_IIBTPLoginEJB_Stub.java:123)
[12/26/16 17:41:58:237 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R 	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(oginCheckCmd.java:123)
[12/26/16 17:41:58:238 GMT+05:30] 0000010c SystemErr     R 	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(edirectNav.java:123)

Other is:

[12/26/16 17:29:14:664 GMT+05:30] 000012db SystemErr     R com.ascd.qwer.common.SecurityViolationException: User Record not present. 
	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(ASDC.java:123)
	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(oginEJBBean.java:1234)
	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(Unknown Source)
	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(_IIBTPLoginEJB_Stub.java:123)
	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(oginCheckCmd.java:123)
	at com.ascd.qwer.zxcv(edirectNav.java:123)

My current logstash config is this:

input {

	file {
		type => "SystemError"
		path => "/path/to/file/*"
		start_position => "beginning"
		sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

		codec => multiline {
			pattern => "^\s"
			what => "previous"


filter {
	grok {
		match => { "message" => "\[%{DATA:timestamp}] %{BASE16NUM:threadID} (?<shortname>\b[A-Za-z0-9\$]{2,}\b)%{SPACE}%{WORD:loglevel}%{SPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:message}" }
		overwrite => [ "message" ]

	date {
		match => ["timestamp", "M/dd/yy HH:mm:ss:SSS zZZ"]

But it only takes care of the second type. Please help. I need to append the stacktraces in the first type also to the message of the previous event.


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