Logstash Configuration file in 8.2

After upgrading the ELK stack to 8.2 my logstash configuration file where i have defined the filters for logstash-filter-geoip have changed some key names , like victimASN.as_org is now coming as victimASN.as.organization.name . Though from kibana I can give the alternate name to the keys but still my previous visualization have stopped working and showing the error as :

Could not locate that data view (id: 55cac390-014e-11ea-95b2-770559be5cdf), [click here to re-create it]

In Logstash 8, all plugins are run in ECS compatibility v8 mode by default.

You can set on level:

  1. Plugin
    filter {
    geoip {
    source => "[host][ip]"
    ecs_compatibility => disabled

  2. Pipeline:
    pipeline.ecs_compatibility: v8

You can set to values: disabled, v1 or v8

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Thanks, doing this has solved the problem. Though I have set it from the logstash.yml file (pipeline. ecs_compatibility => disabled)

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pipeline. ecs_compatibility => disabled will set value as default to all in .conf file
geoip { source => "[host][ip]" ecs_compatibility => disabled } will set only for that param

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