Logstash configure error?


i's my logstash filter conf,like this

if [url_M] == "isOldPasswordCorrect" {

        metrics {
           meter => [ "passauth" ]
           add_tag => "metric"

          if "metric" in [tags] {

                ruby {

                        code => "event.cancel if event['passauth.rate_1m']*60 < 100"



but when i test conf,the logstash say's

Ruby exception occurred: undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass {:level=>:error}

The metrics filter produces nested fields and passauth.rate_1m isn't the right notation for nested fields. Try event['passauth']['rate_1m'] instead (or event['[passauth][rate_1m]'] if this is Logstash 5.0.

thank you for you reply!