Hi, I am using elk stack to fetch logs from client machine. i have done using these version elasticsearch- 6.5.3 logstash- 6.5.3 after 6 months Today for testing i just started watching logs running elasticseach and logstash. elasticsearch get started running when i configure logstash it shows this error:
F:\ELK(.exe file)\logstash-6.5.3\bin>logstash -f demo-winlog-pipeline.conf
Error: Could not find or load main class file)\logstash-6.5.3\logstash-core\lib\jars\animal-sniffer-annotations-1.14.jar;F:\ELK(.exe
this error indicated path issue. if you run it from bat script, try wrapping F:\ELK(.exe file)\logstash-6.5.3\bin>logstash inside a double quote. seems like there’s a space in your directory path
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