Logstash DNS Filter Issue

Hello All,
I setup an ELK Stack with the latest version of logstash 6.2.2 on Ubuntu 17.10. The setup went ok i have netflow records in my Kibana dashboard and most everything seems to be working properly. The only issue I am stumped on is making the DNS filter work to resolve 1 field in my netflow data. It seems the fields from mutate just never appear anywhere in Kibana. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been working on this the last week trying so many solutions. Thank you!

netflow.conf in /etc/logstash/conf.d directory

input {
    udp {
        port => 9991
        codec => netflow
 filter {
         mutate {
                add_field => { "dst_host" => "%{[netflow][dst_addr]}" }
         dns {
                # DNS Filter
                reverse => [ "dst_host" ]
                action => "replace"
                nameserver => [ "" ]
                hit_cache_size => 4096
                hit_cache_ttl => 900
                failed_cache_size => 512
                failed_cache_ttl => 900

output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]


      - name: netflow
        var.input.udp.port: 9991
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