Logstash Dynamic Template and ILM Creation


I am able to create the multiple index patterns dynamically using below configuration.

    output {
      stdout { codec => rubydebug }
      elasticsearch {
       hosts => [ es_host:9200" ]
        index => "lstash-%{[event][class]}"

After that I have added below template and ilm settings in output block for creating templates and ilms for those indexes.

template => "/opt/elk/logstash/config/templates/lstash-%{[event][class]}-template.json"
template_name => "lstash-%{[event][class]}-template"
template_overwrite => true
ilm_enabled => true
ilm_rollover_alias => "lstash-%{[event][class]}-"
ilm_pattern => "000001"
ilm_policy => "custom-policy"

Then run the logstash service,showing below error

    output {
        elasticsearch {
          # This setting must be a path
          # File does not exist or cannot be opened /opt/elk/logstash/config/templates/lstash-%{[event][class]}-template.json
          template => "/opt/elk/logstash/config/templates/lstash-%{[event][class]}-template.json"

My reading of the code is that the template manager never sprintf's the template option, so you cannot use a field reference in it.

ok, we can't create dynamic templates for multiple indexes?

That is my reading of it.

Any possible way to create the dynamic templates.
Please help me on this.

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