Logstash | elasticsearch - Encountered a retryable error

We have setup ELK 5.6.3 in cluster method and everything in each layer is running fine, but logstash keep reporting below error even the port 5044 in listening state. Can anyone help me out here.

[ERROR] 2018-01-07 11:19:56.136 [[main]>worker1] elasticsearch - Encountered a retryable error. Will Retry with exponential backoff {:code=>401, :url=>"http://prd-els01:9200/_bulk"}

401 means that authentication credentials are missing or are incorrect. Make sure Logstash is using the right credentials for ES.

Thank you for quick solution for this. I came to know we protected ELK with READonlyREST which denies my indexes to be created.

We have granted permissions in Elasticksearch to create index for failed one.

Once again thank you.

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