I am doing a lookup from logstash into Elasticsearch before loading my data, I am running into issue when the data in log file is in array format, e.g. below is my log line:
I am parsing the above json and then using below code in logstash config file:
if [function] == "saveOrder" and [type] == "REQ"{
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://*.*.*.*:****"]
index => "products-search"
user => "*********"
password => "*********"
query_template => "/etc/logstash/conf.d/query-categories.json"
fields => { "category" => "categoryName"
"subCategory" => "subCategoryName"
My query_template is below:
{"size": 1,"query":{"match":{"productId": "%{[body][data][product]}"}}}
However, there are no hits, logstash output is as below
"body" => {
"data" => [
[0] {
"product" => "6274c6408085c1476cbd1023"
"function" => "saveOrder",
"type" => "REQ",
"id" => 1652437414971
Now if I remove the square array brackets ( [ ] ) from data field in the log line and change it to below:
The query returns the data correctly in logstash output:
"function" => "saveOrder",
"categoryName" => "ELECTRONICS",
"body" => {
"data" => {
"product" => "6274c6408085c1476cbd1023"
"type" => "REQ",
"subCategoryName" => "Mobile",
"id" => 1652437414971
Where do I need to make the relevant changes (logstash conf or query_template) to take care of the array?