i try to send email from logstash version 7.8.0 but, images are never shown!
however attachments are added to email and can be opened!
i used different kind of images, none of them work ?
can someone help please
My understanding (acquired this morning) is that to reference an image attachment in an email you need to use the content_id (see here and here).
The Ruby mail code appears to set the content_id to '' (see here, the hash in the caller never has :content_id set).
Check the mail that is sent. What are the content_id headers on each attachment? If they are set, then reference them in cid: URIs when trying to embed them.
I suspect they will not be set (the assumption being that they are only of use if the sender knows them, so they have to set them). I do not see any way for the use of the email output to set them, so referencing images in attachments may not be supported.
Attachments => Works Fine (The internal url is same)
KO = > HTML body with image are never shown : Internal Url, External Url, Embedded
What should i do exactly please?
I use logstash to send email depending of a query DSL from elasticsearch, so i should send mail with sunny image if everything is ok, do you have any other alternatives please ?
i can send emails such as :
input : query DSL to get some documents
filter : aggregate those multiple documents into an HTML table
output : send mail via SMPT
this is working but unfortunatly the images are neved shown, even they are attached correctly, but never shown in the htmlbody ! may i should buy SEARCH GUARD ! Any suggestion please
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