Logstash error read

i'm trying read log of apache_Access and apache_error, those are remote log, when i insert, logstash read again the file and insert agin the entries.
My configuracion file of logstash:
input {
path => "/home/clusterelastic/cluster/nodo1/logstash-5.5.2/logsaleer/log_aceso/accesso"
type => "apache_access"
path => "/home/clusterelastic/cluster/nodo1/logstash-5.5.2/logsaleer/log_error/error"
type => "apache_error"
filter {

if [type] in [ "apache" , "apache_access" , "apache-access" ,"access"] {
grok {
match => ["message"," %{IP:clientip} - - [%{NOTSPACE:date} -%{INT}] "%{WORD:action} /%{WORD}/%{WORD}/%{NOTSPACE:login} %{WORD:protocol}/%{NUMBER:protocolNum}" %{NUMBER:status} %{NUMBER} "%{NOTSPACE}" "%{NOTSPACE:client} (%{WORD}; %{WORD:clientOs}%{GREEDYDATA}"]
if [type] in ["apache_error","apache-error","error_log"] {
grok {
match => ["message", "[%{DATA:DAY} %{DATA:MONTH} %{DATA:year} : %{DATA:HOUR}] [\php5:%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}] [pid %{POSINT:pid}]( [client %{IP:client}:%{POSINT:clientport}]) %{GREEDYDATA:message}"]


output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Logstash isn't really designed to read remote mount files like that. Can you install filebeat on the remote host to ship them?

Hi, i dont install filebeat, only read a log remote with rsync in opensuse

Unless rsync appends new data to the end of the existing files (emulating what a normal log writer would do) you won't be able to use rsync for this purpose.

Ho can i read a remote log?
The logs are in the server, the server should read the log that is in another machine.
I trying read de remote log via rsync

The best option is to run Filebeat or Logstash on machines where you want to collect logs.

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