Logstash Extract message field .log file

Hey guys,

i play a bit with the Elastic Stack and i try to visualize some log files.
i allready read so many topics how to filter these files, but i didn't get a solution, hopefully i can get some help here :slight_smile:

File .log file looks like this:

      level: 'info',
      message: 'Updating status for user: 8b57ec08-08df-47d3-80b6-de203b9ed314',
      timestamp: '2021-05-18 14:01:33'
      level: 'debug',
      message: 'Detecting stale user status entries in database...30 min',
      timestamp: '2021-05-18 14:01:33'
      level: 'error',
      message: 'Updating status for user: 8b57ec08-08df-47d3-80b6-de203b9ed314',
      timestamp: '2021-05-18 14:02:13'

My logstash.conf file:

    input {

        file {

                codec => multiline {

                pattern => "{"

               negate => "true"

                what => "next"


            path => "/usr/share/logstash/data/file.log"

            start_position => "beginning"

            sincedb_path => "/dev/null"



    filter {

            grok {

               match => {

                   "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{LOGLEVEL:level} %{GREEDYDATA:message}"




    output {

        elasticsearch {

            hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"

            user => "elastic"

            password => "changeme"

            ecs_compatibility => disabled

            index => "%{[host]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" 



Elasticsearch import the the file and all information are in the message field. I would like to extract the message field in the field "level", "message" and "timestamp" that i can select which one i would like see in the Dashboard. Since 1 week i try this and i and already tried out with dissect and mutate, but nothing works for me.

Please help me!

Thank you!

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