Logstash : Extract values from a String field in Json

I have the below Json submitted to my logstash from kinesis where the message string in the json contains all the required values which I need to store it as a separate field in elasticsearch . Currently its stored as a single message string field, I tried using the mutate and json filter but unable to get the results

"@timestamp": "2019-08-29T13:02:47.468Z",
"id": "34947135803057280532301987232169408483366183409373609984",
"message": "{\"@timestamp\": \"2019-08-29 13:02:47.467\", \"priority\": \"INFO\", \"application\": \"authentication\", \"class\": \"com.ecomm.environment.PropertiesEnvironmentConfig\", \"file\": \"PropertiesEnvironmentConfig.java:287\", \"requestId\": \"\", \"correlationId\": \"\", \"clientCorrelationId\": \"\", \"breadcrumb\": \"\", \"principalId\": \"\", \"customerId\": \"\", \"clientUserAgent\": \"\", \"payload\": {\"logType\":\"EVENT\",\"message\":\"Loaded environment properties\",\"details\":{\"environmentType\":\"sandbox\",\"filename\":\"env.properties\"}} }\n",
"@version": "1",
"messageType": "DATA_MESSAGE",

I am looking for something like this,

"@timestamp": "2019-08-29T13:02:47.468Z",
"id": "34947135803057280532301987232169408483366183409373609984",
"payload": { 
    "message":"Loaded environment properties"
"priority": "INFO", 
"application": "authentication", 
"class": "com.ecomm.environment.PropertiesEnvironmentConfig", 
"file": "PropertiesEnvironmentConfig.java:287", 
"requestId": "", 
"correlationId": "", 
"clientCorrelationId": "", 
"breadcrumb": "", 
"principalId": "", 
"customerId": "", 
"clientUserAgent": "", 
"@version": "1",
"messageType": "DATA_MESSAGE"

With a json filter like this

json { source => "message" remove_field => [ "message" ] }

I get

         "breadcrumb" => "",
            "payload" => {
    "details" => {
               "filename" => "env.properties",
        "environmentType" => "sandbox"
    "logType" => "EVENT",
    "message" => "Loaded environment properties"
               "file" => "PropertiesEnvironmentConfig.java:287",
          "requestId" => "",
        "application" => "authentication",
           "priority" => "INFO",
              "class" => "com.ecomm.environment.PropertiesEnvironmentConfig",
        "principalId" => "",
         "customerId" => "",
               "tags" => [
    [0] "_timestampparsefailure"
        "_@timestamp" => "2019-08-29 13:02:47.467",
         "@timestamp" => 2019-08-29T13:34:45.040Z,
"clientCorrelationId" => "",
    "clientUserAgent" => "",
      "correlationId" => ""

What issues do you have with that?

I have jsons from kinesis contains just a string in the message field and seeing loads of error in the logs, is there way i can apply the json filter only to valid messages?

"@timestamp": "2019-08-15:22:03,203Z",
"id": "34947135803057280532301987232169408483366183409373609984",
"message": "END RequestId: 0ef9fae7-6d12-4f35-a861-2ff7fb00bb1d\n",
"@version": "1",
 "messageType": "DATA_MESSAGE",

[2019-08-29T15:22:03,203][WARN ][logstash.filters.json    ] Error parsing json 
{:source=>"message", :raw=>"END RequestId: 0d749912-3dc0-4a52-96ce-5ab94f7de77f\n", 
:exception=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unrecognized token 'END': was expecting ('true', 
'false' or 'null')
at [Source: (byte[])"END RequestId: 0d749912-3dc0-4a52-96ce-5ab94f7de77f
"; line: 1, column: 5]>}

Use the skip_on_invalid_json option.

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