Logstash / Filebeat not process all lines from error logs


I am using newest ELK stack (V7) on Ubuntu 16.04 to process my log files from several nginx-servers.

All the access-logs are working pretty fine. Whats not working is the error-log. Only 1% of all lines are visibile in Kibana-UI. And none of them is being parsed at all.

This is my configuration:

Filebeat sends data to logstash, as configured in /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml):

# The Logstash hosts
hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

Besides I configured path's to log files in /etc/filebeat/modules/nginx.yml:

# Docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/7.0/filebeat-module-nginx.html

- module: nginx
    enabled: true

      - /var/nginx/foobar1/logs/access.log*
      - /var/nginx/foobar2/logs/access.log*

    # Convert the timestamp to UTC. Requires Elasticsearch >= 6.1.
    #var.convert_timezone: true

    enabled: true

      - /var/nginx/foobar1/logs/error.log*
      - /var/nginx/foobar2/logs/error.log*

    # Convert the timestamp to UTC. Requires Elasticsearch >= 6.1.
    #var.convert_timezone: true

My /etc/logstash/filebeat.conf looks like this:

input {
	beats {
		port => 5044
		client_inactivity_timeout => "600"

	}   }

filter {
	if [event][module] == "nginx" {

		if [fileset][name] == "access" {

			grok {
				patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
				match => { "message" => [ "%{NGINX_ACCESS1}" ] }
				remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]
				add_tag => ["nginx_access"]

			mutate {
				add_field => { "read_timestamp" => "%{@timestamp}" }

			date {

				match => [ "[nginx][access][datetime]", "dd/MMM/YYYY:H:m:s Z" ]
				remove_field => "[nginx][access][datetime]"


			useragent {

				source => "[nginx][access][agent]"
				target => "[nginx][access][user_agent]"
				remove_field => "[nginx][access][agent]"


		} else if [fileset][name] == "error" {

			grok {
				patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
				match => { "message" => [ "%{NGINX_ERROR1}", "%{NGINX_ERROR2}" ] }
				remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]
				add_tag => ["nginx_error"]

			mutate {
				add_field => { "read_timestamp" => "%{@timestamp}" }

			date {

				match => [ "[nginx][error][datetime]", "YYYY/MM/dd H:m:s" ]
				remove_field => "[nginx][error][datetime]"




output {

	elasticsearch {
		hosts => "localhost:9200"
		manage_template => false

		index => "filebeat"


And just to make it complete, this is the pattern file:

NGINX_ACCESS1 %{HTTPDATE:[nginx][access][datetime]}\|%{IPORHOST:[nginx][access][client]}\|%{DATA:[nginx][access][user]}\|\"%{WORD:[nginx][access][method]} (%{URI:[nginx][access][resource]})?(?:%{URIPATH:[nginx][access][resource]})?(?:%{URIPARAM:[nginx][access][params]})?(?:%{GREEDYDATA:[nginx][access][payload]})?(\ )?HTTP/%{NUMBER:[nginx][access][httpversion]}\" %{NUMBER:[nginx][access][response]} (?:%{NUMBER:[nginx][access][bytes]}|-) \"(-|(?:%{URI:[nginx][access][referrer_domain]})|(?:%{IPORHOST:[nginx][access][referrer_domain]})(?:%{URIPATH:[nginx][access][referrer_ressource]})?(?:%{URIPARAM:[nginx][access][referrer_params]})?)\" \"%{GREEDYDATA:[nginx][access][agent]}\" (?:%{WORD:[nginx][access][cache]}|-)
NGINX_ERROR1 %{DATESTAMP:[nginx][error][datetime]} \[(error|crit)\] %{NUMBER:[nginx][error][id1]}#%{NUMBER:[nginx][error][id2]}\: \*%{NUMBER:[nginx][error][id3]} %{GREEDYDATA:[nginx][error][message]}(, client: %{IPORHOST:[nginx][error][client]})?(, server: %{IPORHOST:[nginx][error][server]})?(, request: "%{WORD:[nginx][error][method]})? (%{URIPATH:[nginx][error][path]})?(%{URIPARAM:[nginx][error][params]})?%{GREEDYDATA} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[nginx][error][httpversion]}\"(, upstream: \"%{NOTSPACE:[nginx][error][socket]}\")?(,host: \"{NOTSPACE:[nginx][error][host]\")?
NGINX_ERROR2 %{DATESTAMP:[nginx][error][datetime]} \[(error|crit)\] %{NUMBER:[nginx][error][id1]}#%{NUMBER:[nginx][error][id2]}\: \*%{NUMBER:[nginx][error][id3]} %{GREEDYDATA:[nginx][error][message]}

As I already said, all access-logs are processed pretty fine, I have around 300.000 for the last 30 days.
But when it comes to the error-logs, I only see a couple of lines there.

First thing I noticed, is that the multiline-stuff is not working correctly, even when I try to set it up in modules.d/nginx.yml. Whatever, I would be fine with that. But second thing is, and this is the main issue for me here:

I onyl see around 2, 3 lines from each log-file and have no clue why. Any help is highly appreciated, cause I now already spend days searching for the problem.

Thanks a lot


After hours of additional research I decided to dump the complete installation and did a fresh re-installation of the ELK stack in V7.

Is Filebeat able to forward all events to Logstash? If yes, this is a Logstash issue and it should be posted to the appropriate forum.

Honestly, I am not sure about that. It seems like filebeat is not processing all lines.


This is embarassing... I guess I found the cause, a couple (!) of typos in my second pattern, even after checking the line a dozen of times. First I was not escaping a double quote, I also was missing the leading % infront of the { and a closing } was missing, too.

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