Logstash Filter - Breaking up fields into multiple documents

If you use

output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

what does the structure of a single document look like? Your description and sample data do not match at all. Did you mean it is something like

"1.12.84": "Name 1",
"2.12.84": "Name 2",
"3.12.84": "Name 3",
"1.13.47": 1,
"2.13.47": 2,
"3.13.47": 3,
"1.17.67": "String 1",
"2.17.67": "String 2",
"3.17.67": "String 3"

If it does look anything like that you could use a ruby filter to reformat it

    json { source => "message" target => "[@metadata][snmpData]" remove_field => [ "message" ] }
    ruby {
        code => '
            keys = { "12.84" => "title", "13.47" => "value", "17.67" => "status" }
            snmpData = event.get("[@metadata][snmpData]")
            if snmpData.is_a? Hash
                h = {}
                snmpData.each { |k, v|
                    match = k.match(/(\d)\.(.*)/)
                    instance = match[1]
                    oid = match[2]
                    if ! h.key? instance
                        h[instance] = {}
                    if keys.key? oid
                        oid = keys[oid]
                    h[instance][oid] = v
            event.set("snmpData", h.values)

At the end of the loop h will look like

"1"=>{"title"=>"Name 1", "value"=>1, "status"=>"String 1"}, 
"2"=>{"title"=>"Name 2", "status"=>"String 2", "value"=>2}, 
"3"=>{"title"=>"Name 3", "value"=>3, "status"=>"String 3"}

Calling h.values discards the keys and converts that to an array

{"title"=>"Name 1", "value"=>1, "status"=>"String 1"}, 
{"title"=>"Name 2", "status"=>"String 2", "value"=>2}, 
{"title"=>"Name 3", "value"=>3, "status"=>"String 3"}

You can then use

split { field => "snmpData" }

to end up with events like

"@timestamp" => 2020-05-08T22:53:04.180Z,
  "snmpData" => {
     "value" => 3,
     "title" => "Name 3",
    "status" => "String 3"
}, ...

If you want to move the fields to the top level then see here.