Logstash Filter If loop

Which one is correct:

filter {
    if [kubernetes_labels][app] == "app-name" and [kubernetes_container_name] == "nginx" {
        grok {
            match => {"message" => 'XXX'}}}
    else if [kubernetes_labels][app] == "app-name" and [kubernetes_container_name] == "app" {
        grok {
            match => {"message" => "XXX"}}}


filter {
    if [kubernetes_labels][app] == "app-name" {
        if [kubernetes_container_name] == "nginx" {
            grok {
                match => {"message" => 'XXX'}}
        else if [kubernetes_container_name] == "app" { 
            grok {
                match => {"message" => "XXX"}}


filter {
    if [kubernetes_labels][app] == "app-name" {
        if [kubernetes_container_name] == "nginx" {
            grok {
                match => {"message" => 'XXX'}}
        if [kubernetes_container_name] == "app" {
            grok {
                match => {"message" => "XXX"}}

I know case 1 works fine but am trying to fine tuning the filters and wanted to check with community.
There is no much documentation on if loops.
Please help. Thanks

All of them are correct and will work, which one is better depend users preference.

All the documentation needed for if conditionals in Logstash is here.

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