Logstash filter no longer works after upgrading

Hello all, when I was using Logstash 5.3.0 I had the following filter which worked without issue:

if [event_id] == 257 and [computer_name] == "EXCHANGE-SERVER-1.DOMAIN.COM" or [computer_name] == "EXCHANGE-SERVER-2.DOMAIN.COM" or [computer_name] == "EXCHANGE-SERVER-3.DOMAIN.COM" {
   drop {}

However since upgrading to the latest version of Logstash I've noticed that I only get events from EXCHANGE-SERVER-1.DOMAIN.COM - no events come through for the other servers regardless of the event ID.

Can any tell me why this used to work but no longer does?


Could be something about how Logstash handles conditional grouping. That said, you can remove the multiple ORs by converting it to

if [event_id] == 257 and [computer_name] in ["EXCHANGE-SERVER-1.DOMAIN.COM", "EXCHANGE-SERVER-2.DOMAIN.COM", "EXCHANGE-SERVER-3.DOMAIN.COM"] {
   drop {}

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