Logstash filter section problem

Hi, I'm trying to create a set of filters that will add a field based on a numeric value received by logstash.
At the moment I'm just adding a TAG to see if the "IF" works.
It appears that there is something wrong with my IF statement.
I've tried '174' , "174", and 174 without any enclosing marks.

How do can I debug this further ?? According to the netflow codec docs ipfix.bgpDestinationAsNumber
is a numeric field.

filter {

if [ipfix.bgpDestinationAsNumber] == '174' {
    mutate  {
        add_tag => { "FUBAR" => "BARF"  }


Thank you for the help

Just the numeric without the quotes should work.

Also, is the "ipfix.bgpDestinationAsNumber" a nested one? By default the netflow codec has a target field called "netflow" as per the documentation, so you might need to reference it as

Btw, the add_tag needs just a value that will end up in the "tags" field, no need to supply a field name. Try this instead

filter {
	if [netflow][ipfix.bgpDestinationAsNumber] == 174 {
		mutate {
			add_tag => ["BARF"]

Hi Paris,

Thank you for your help. I had to modify the field name, but your example helped solve the problem

For others: The corrected line is

filter {
if [ipfix][bgpDestinationAsNumber] == 174 {
mutate {
add_tag => ["BARF"]

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