Logstash Helm Deployment

Hey everyone.
I've been trying to send logs from an untangle firewall device to my ELK SIEM on Kubernetes. To do so I created a pipeline that I deployed as a ConfigMap and from here I'm stuck.
Here's a part of the Helm values.yaml file to use when deploying logstash :

# Allows you to add any config files in /usr/share/logstash/config/
# such as logstash.yml and log4j2.properties
# Note that when overriding logstash.yml, `http.host:` should always be included
# to make default probes work.
logstashConfig: {}
#  logstash.yml: |
#    key:
#      nestedkey: value
#  log4j2.properties: |
#    key = value

# Allows you to add any pipeline files in /usr/share/logstash/pipeline/
### ***warn*** there is a hardcoded logstash.conf in the image, override it first
logstashPipeline: {}
#  logstash.conf: |
#    input {
#      exec {
#        command => "uptime"
#        interval => 30
#      }
#    }
#    output { stdout { } }

# Custom ports to add to logstash
extraPorts: []
  # - name: beats
  #   containerPort: 5001

service: {}
#  annotations: {}
#  type: ClusterIP
#  ports:
#    - name: beats
#      port: 5044
#      protocol: TCP
#      targetPort: 5044
#    - name: http
#      port: 8080
#      protocol: TCP
#      targetPort: 8080

What am I supposed to modify here to add my pipeline config file to be integrated into Logstash to start seeing logs from Untangle ?
(The name of the config file is untangle-syslog.conf / The name of the ConfigMap is untangle-syslog / The port I'm listening to is 514/UDP from Untangle)

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