Logstash-hipchat messages are not displaying in hipchat


I have redirected logs recieving in logstash to hipchat.

output {
 if [type]== 'eventlog' {

    hipchat {
      room_id => '****'
      token => '****'

    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ['']

But in hipchat it is showing like

logstash · logstash·5:58 PM

logstash · logstash·6:08 PM
No content in message field. What may be the issue?

What does the rest of your config look like? What does the data look like?
What version are you on?

Logstash configuration:

input {
 tcp {
   port => 5045
   type => 'eventlog'
   codec =>"json"

filter {
 if [type]== 'eventlog' {

    hipchat {
      room_id => '*****'
      token => '****'
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ['']

In kibana, it looks like

  "_index": "logstash-2016.06.14",
  "_type": "eventlog",
  "_id": "AVVNbiXCoy4-TtrOUrmi",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "EventTime": "2016-06-14 11:11:47",
    "Hostname": "xx.xx.x",
    "Keywords": 2305843009213694000,
    "EventType": "ERROR",
    "SeverityValue": 4,
    "Severity": "ERROR",
    "EventID": 216,
    "SourceName": "Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager-MultiMachine",
    "ProviderGuid": "{D8D37081-10BD-4A89-A971-1CDA6899BDB3}",
    "Version": 0,
    "Task": 17,
    "OpcodeValue": 0,
    "RecordNumber": 3369760,
    "ProcessID": 4988,
    "ThreadID": 6944,
    "Channel": "Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager-MultiMachine/Operational",
    "Domain": "ONTASHINDIA",
    "AccountName": "Administrator",
    "UserID": "Administrator",
    "AccountType": "User",
    "Message": "Invoke method error. Server: localhost, Namespace: root\\microsoft\\windows\\servermanager, Class: MSFT_ServerManagerTasks, Method: GetCounterSamplesInTimeRange, Error: A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code.",
    "Category": "Node access.",
    "Opcode": "Info",
    "serverName": "localhost",
    "namespaceName": "root\\microsoft\\windows\\servermanager",
    "wmiClassName": "MSFT_ServerManagerTasks",
    "methodName": "GetCounterSamplesInTimeRange",
    "protocol": "DCOM",
    "error": "A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code.",
    "EventReceivedTime": "2016-06-14 11:11:49",
    "SourceModuleName": "eventlog",
    "SourceModuleType": "im_msvistalog",
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2016-06-14T05:41:50.634Z",
    "host": "x.x.x.x",
    "port": 60831,
    "type": "eventlog",
    "tags": [
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [

I am using nxlog in windows server to ship logs to logstash.


Elasticsearch 2.2.x, Logstash 2.2.x, and Kibana 4.4.x.

That is not a valid config, you cannot have an output like that in a filter.

Oh.. Sorry. That is a copy paste mistake. correct config is :

input {
 tcp {
   port => 5045
   type => 'eventlog'
   codec =>"json"

filter {
    if [type] == "eventlog" and [Severity] == "WARNING" {
    drop { }

  if [type] == "eventlog" and [Severity] == "INFO" {
    drop { }

output {
 if [type]== 'eventlog' {

    hipchat {
      room_id => '****'
      token => '****'

    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ['']

As you don't have a message in your events you'll want to adjust the hipchat output's format option.

What format should I use in hipchat output in logstash for displaying messages?

Use stdout { codec => rubydebug} to see what is generated and go from there.

What do you want the messages sent to HipChat to contain?

I need Source, date time, severity level, message title, message description
in hipchat

Then adjust the hipchat output's format option accordingly.

hipchat {
  format => "%{SourceName} %{Severity} ..."


This worked for me.

In hipchat logs are showing in the format :

Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager-MultiMachine 2016-06-17 11:28:45 ERROR Invoke method error. Server: localhost, Namespace: root\microsoft\windows\servermanager, Class: MSFT_ServerManagerTasks, Method: GetCounterSamplesInTimeRange, Error: A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code

Is it possible to make each fields in seperate lines? Like

Date Time