Logstash how to different format message

07/20/20 00:48:28 INFO hello 353 us.(channel/Channel.cpp:575)
07/20/20 00:48:28 INFO transfercity:bj(city/cityTransferQueryBusiness.cpp:72)
07/20/20 00:48:29 INFO transferQuery city 965380 us.(channel/Channel.cpp:575)

how to parse match all lines

filter {
mutate {
    split => ["message"," INFO  "]

mutate {
    add_field =>   {
      "srsdate" => "%{[message][0]}"
      "temp1" => "%{[message][1]}"

mutate {
  split => ["temp1", "("]
  add_field => {
      "other" => "%{[temp1][1]}"
      "useinfo" => "%{[temp1][0]}"
  remove_field => ["other","message","temp1"]

 if [useinfo] =~ ":" {
   mutate {
     add_field => {
         "action" => "%{useinfo[0]}"
         "domain" => "%{useinfo[1]}"

That should get you an ambiguous reference error and logstash will likely fail to start. It should be %{[useinfo][0]}, although I do not see where you are actually doing a split on useinfo.

I would do this all using dissect.

dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{ts} %{+ts} %{loglevel} %{messageBit}(%{filename}:%{lineNumber})%{}" } }
  • That's a cool way

Ultimately, if i want to remove Somenum and us. from messageBit, the following code can be implemented, and it's not sure if there's a better solution

filter {
dissect { mapping => { "message" => "%{ts} %{+ts} %{loglevel} %{messageBit}(%{})%{}" } }

mutate {
    strip => ["messageBit"]

if [messageBit] =~ ":" {
  mutate {
    split => ["messageBit",":"]
      add_field => {
        "action" => "%{[messageBit][0]}"
        "domain" => "%{[messageBit][1]}"
} else {
  if [messageBit] =~ " us." {
    mutate {
      split => ["messageBit"," us."]
      add_field => {
         "submsg" => "%{[messageBit][0]}"
mutate {
   split => ["submsg"," "]
     add_field => {
       "subact1" => "%{[submsg][0]}"
       "subact2" => "%{[submsg][1]}"
       "action" => "%{subact1}%{subact2}"

       remove_field => ["subact1","subact2","submsg","loglevel"]


  • I look forward to more help @Badger

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