Logstash : How to extract a nested field from Json log and only index the content of the nested field

Hello leandrojmp,

Thanks for your support on this. I was able to make some progress with the help of your suggestions. With the new logstash config, I was able to extract only data field, but still encapsulating all the other fields. I want to take all the fields outside the "data" nest

Input message:
{"field1":"value1", "field2":"value2", "field3":"value3", "field4":"value4", "data":{"nested_field1":"nested_value1","nested_field2":"nested_value2", "nested_field3":"nested_value3"}}

Current outpout with the Logstash config below:

Expected output:
We would not be able to use static field names as the fields under data{} can be dynamic. I would need something like [data][*]

New logstash config:

input {
 file {
   type => "json"
   path => "/home/ranjith/logstash1.log"
   start_position => beginning
   sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
      json {
        source => "message"
      prune {
        whitelist_names => ["data"]

      mutate {
        remove_field => [ "message" ]
output {
stdout { codec => json }