Logstash how to keep only last elements of an array?

Hello all,

I have a field which is an array and I would like to keep only the last element and put it into a new field.

    "data": {
      "path": [

I tried to copy data.path into a new field and use gsub to keep only the last one.
According Logstash logs. it seems that we cannot apply gsub on array.

[2022-05-10T17:02:41,062][WARN ][logstash.filters.mutate  ][network-processing][376475260c6f8b36d68ccab991531238e7cf73a095a8a804165da9eaac7a6de5] gsub mutation is only applicable for strings and arrays of strings, skipping {:field=>"[as][origin]", :value=>1111}
[2022-05-10T17:02:41,063][WARN ][logstash.filters.mutate  ][network-processing][376475260c6f8b36d68ccab991531238e7cf73a095a8a804165da9eaac7a6de5] gsub mutation is only applicable for strings and arrays of strings, skipping {:field=>"[as][origin]", :value=>2222}
[2022-05-10T17:02:41,063][WARN ][logstash.filters.mutate  ][network-processing][376475260c6f8b36d68ccab991531238e7cf73a095a8a804165da9eaac7a6de5] gsub mutation is only applicable for strings and arrays of strings, skipping {:field=>"[as][origin]", :value=>3333}

I tried also to convert the new field into a string but still the same error.

 mutate {
      copy => { "[data][path]" => "[data][new_field]" }

mutate {
      convert => { "[data][new_field]" => "string" }
      gsub => [ "[data][new_field]", ".*\ ", "" ]

I have the feeling that I'm not on the good way to achieve it.

Do someone has an idea how to proceed ?

Thank you,



You could do something like

input { generator { count => 1 lines => [ '{ "a": [ 1, 2, 3] }' ] codec => json { target => "[document]" } } }
filter { mutate { replace => { "document" => "%{[document][a][-1]}" } } }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => false } } }

which will produce

  "document" => "3",


It works !
Thank you very much !



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