Logstash http input posted content not available

Hi All

cadvisor --> logstash --> elasticsearch --> kibana

We are trying to achieve the above infra. Like cadvisor to post container_stats to the elasticsearch via logstash

Log stash config :

input {
  http { codec => "es_bulk" }
output {
 elasticsearch {
   hosts => ""
 stdout { codec => rubydebug {
        metadata => true

The expectation is that the container_stats will be posted to elasticsearch via logstash

but the following data was posted instead,

"headers" => {
"http_version" => "HTTP/1.1",
"http_connection" => "upgrade",
"request_method" => "POST",
"http_host" => "x.y.z",
"request_uri" => "/_bulk",
"http_user_agent" => "elastic/5.0.39 (linux-amd64)",
"http_vary" => "Accept-Encoding",
"http_accept" => "application/json",
"content_type" => "application/json",
"http_x_forwarded_host" => "x.y.z",
"http_accept_encoding" => "gzip",
"http_x_forwarded_for" => "",
"request_path" => "/_bulk",
"http_x_real_ip" => "",
"content_length" => 7683
"@timestamp" => 2020-05-26T14:19:18.998Z,
"@version" => "1",
"host" => "",
"index" => {
"_index" => "http-2020.05.26",
"_type" => "stats"

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