finally able to get prometheusdataset filed as below:
# HELP disk_free_bytes Usable space for path\n# TYPE disk_free_bytes gauge\ndisk_free_bytes{CUST=\"green\",ENV=\"QA\",PROCESS_NAME=\"trade_singleton_1\",path=\"/test/TRADE/.\"} 1.12633286656E11\n# HELP disk_total_bytes Total space for path\n
Earlier we have added a codec=> line on http_poller which was splitting above output to different lines. But now i cannot use line codec for http filter. Pls let me know how can i split above output to multiline events.
Split is working, Thanks. Pls let me know is there anyway we can add another HTTP section inside filter dynamically from env variable? I do not want to update logstash config file manually for every new end point addition.
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