Logstash http_poller POST Syntax

I am trying to POST data to a REST API and get the response back in logstash and output it to elastic.
What is the syntax to POST data ? Is this correct ?

  http_poller {

    urls => {
      url1 => {
        method => "POST"
        url => ""
        add_field => { 
          username => "username" 
          password => "password" 

    request_timeout => 30
    interval => 120

    codec => json
    metadata_target => "http_poller_metadata"

I want to post, {"username":"username_val","password":"password_val"} as a JSON to an API.

Logstash http_poller input supports any Manticore Client options.


input {
 # To improve performance, search only today and yesterday's index
 # Percent Encoded: "<.monitoring-es-2-{now%2Fd}>,<.monitoring-es-2-{now-1d}>/_search"
 # See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/date-math-index-names.html
 http_poller {
  urls => {
   my_es_cluster => {
    method => post
    url => "http://localhost:9200/%3C.monitoring-es-2-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D%3E,%3C.monitoring-es-2-%7Bnow-1d%7D%3E/_search"
    body => '{ "query": { "range": { "timestamp": { "gt": "now-1h" } } } }'
    headers => {
     Accept => "application/json"
    auth => {
          user => "elastic"
          password => "changeme"
  request_timeout => 60
  interval => 60

output {
 stdout { codec => rubydebug }